Monday, September 25, 2006

Fertile Soil - Luke 8:37

"And all the people of that region begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone, for a great wave of fear swept over them. So Jesus returned to the boat and left..."
Luke 8:37

This passage comes right after those same people experienced Jesus casting the demons out of the man of the tombs; and after Jesus tells the disciples about the story of seed falling on fertile soil versus falling on the hard path or thorny ground. The obvious point is that all will hear the same message, but not all will really hear and believe. The interesting part of this passage is, "So Jesus returned to the boat and left..." He did not stay to argue and debate - he delivered his message and moved on, accepting that some would believe and some would not. BUT, he did leave behind a man with a testimony who experienced a miracle, and was forever changed - much more effective than an argument.

Lord, let me trust that delivering your message is enough; that I don't get to determine whether the soil is fertile or not, and that is OK.

Today's reading: Ezra: 2,3; Lk. 8


At 7:01 PM, Blogger Alice Remedios said...

It always amazes me how an encounter with Jesus can bring such differing reactions. Some leave everything behind to follow him, others are offended by him and here is a group that is overwhelmed with fear. Maybe the lesson here is that those who choose to live according to their FEARS will always miss out on the presence of Jesus.


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