Saturday, October 14, 2006

Family - Neh. 11:20; 12:40

"The other priests, Levites, and the rest of the Israelites lived wherever their family inheritance was located in any of the towns of Judah." Neh. 11:20

"The two choirs that were giving thanks then proceeded to the Temple of God, where they took their places." Neh. 12:40

Back to the "separate for God's purpose" theme. While in exile, God "scattered" his chosen people, his family. When he brought them back together to rebuild Jerusalem's wall and the Temple, we see the importance of a sense of family emerge. I always overlooked the long lists of names, but now I realize why they are so important -- this was the history of their families! And each of these families had a role to perform in executing Israel's responsibilities to God. Everyone had their "place," and each of those places was very important. The documentation is SO detailed -- right down to where they stand in the Temple! Singers, musicians, servants, gatekeepers, priests, they all had a place. As I read, I was saddened that we don't feel that same sense of family and purpose now as they did then. Shouldn't that history, in some way, translate to today? I think so. WE are God's people, HIS family. Through the Holy Spirit we have each been given gifts, and therefore responsibilities. This world has become SO disconnected, even the definition of family has broken down. God never intended this for his church. We have purpose, we have a family, we have a place, it is our CHURCH. This is something that we should not take for granted, it is something that the world does not have.

Thank you God, SO MUCH, for my church family.

Today's reading: Neh. 11, 12; Ps. 1; Acts 3


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