Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Lasting Legacy - Ez. 9:7

"Our whole history has been one of great sin. That is why we and our kings and our priests have been at the mercy of the pagan kings of the land. We have been killed, captured, robbed and disgraced, just as we are today." Ez. 9:7

And still are today. While I was reading Ezra today, I could not stop thinking that what Israel is going through at this very moment is still a consequence for their disobedience. It's as if Israel constantly chooses to act in a way contrary to what God tells them to do. Three things that immediately come to mind are: Not taking over the ENTIRE promised land, rejecting Jesus as Messiah and intermarrying. There were others, but these are major! God wanted Israel to be a separate and holy people -- a people who would choose him like he chose them. Yet, Israel only wanted to be like everyone else; they didn't want to be different. And that is still the case today. Their faith is so polluted it bears no resemblance to what God gave them -- I'm not sure THEY KNOW what they believe anymore. Their decisions lack conviction because they are not based on anything more than man's logic. They are still making peace treaties with people God told them to conquer a long time ago -- no wonder there is no peace!

Before I get too righteous in my comments, I should reflect on today's Psalm: "Lord, my heart is not proud, my eyes not haughty. I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me... O Israel, put your hope in the Lord -- now and always." Ps. 131:1, 3

I doubt that I am any better than Israel. God, please forgive me for too often desiring the world over you.

Today's reading: Ez. 9-10; Ps. 131; Lk. 21


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