Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Priorities - Luke 10:41

"My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it - and I will not take it away from her." Lk. 10:41

We live our lives backwards. We spend 99% of our waking hours worrying about all aspects of life: work, school, family, bills, money, retirement, prestige, accomplishment, acquisition, etc. Then we spend the remaining 1% trying to fit God into the mix somewhere. What is the main reason people state when asked why they don't spend time with God (read their bible) every day? They are either too busy or too tired. And I completely understand because I was there too - very recently (falling asleep with my bible open in my lap, just "trying to get it done")! But since I have made it (Him) a priority, my life has changed - it is through a focus on God that we live "successful" lives, we just let our focus on life crowd him out. But he promised that if we get our priorities straight, HE will make sure all the other details are taken care of - that sounds like a good deal to me! "...Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." Mat.6:32-33 It seems that this has meant different things to me at different stages of my walk with him. Early on it was big picture stuff like accepting Christ as my Savior, then it moved on to a focus on church activities, then to larger life and family issues, now he is taking over my DAILY activities! I guess this is what that thing called "sanctification" is all about. I find it very interesting being part of his process. It's all about my faith growing to trust that he really is faithful to take care of me.

Jesus, keep growing my faith, continue to show me what needs to be turned over to you.

Today's reading: Hag. 1,2; Ps. 129; Lk. 10


At 2:01 PM, Blogger Tom said...

It all just sounds too easy, doesn't it? What about that "now you will eat by the sweat of your brow" bit? I guess there is a balance between not over-working, and sheer laziness?
Great to see you blogging, Mike! His grace and peace to you and your family.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Chad K Miller said...


I love to see you blogging the hope devotional. Awesome, thanks for sharing the great thoughts!



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