Thursday, October 19, 2006

Who Was I To Argue? - Acts 10:15

"Then the voice spoke again, "`If God says something is acceptable, don't say it isn't." Acts 10:15

I think we all walk around with preconceived notions of what God says is right or wrong. While it is important to be firm in what you believe, it is critical to always be open to God revealing something new (to us) about his character. If not, as today's readings show, we could miss something VERY big! We need to fight against the idea that we have achieved any real level of understanding, and maybe just recognize we are on a journey and someone else is the tour guide. We simply cannot see the whole picture. What an example Peter lays out for us. He has spent his entire life living by a set of rules that said he should act and believe in a certain way, then God tells him some very critical elements have changed. This was no small thing -- the revelation was that the SAME salvation offered to the Jews was now available to the Gentiles! This had to be revolutionary to Peter! But his response was, "...who was I to argue?" And they all praised God. How awesome is that?! I pray that I am as open to change when God reveals something new to me.

God, let me always remember that your ways are above mine.

Today's reading: Job 5; Ps. 108; Acts 10, 11


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