No Mas! - Ex. 36:6
"'Bring no more materials! You have already given more than enough.' So the people stopped bringing their offerings. Their contributions were more than enough to complete the whole project." Ex. 36:6
When God is the architect of a project, HE provides more than enough to complete it. The people of Israel were not mandated to give to the project. "If their hearts were stirred and they desired to do so, they brought to the Lord their offerings." Yet, through the people, God brought an abundance to the project. Even though man is skeptical, insecure and lacks faith, God shows us that we CAN trust him to complete what he sets in motion. The key is whether this was God's idea or man's! If it is God's will, it WILL happen! I think we come up with a lot of great ideas, then fail to take the time to ask God what HE thinks and wait for his answer. If we want to succeed, we have to let God be the project manager.
God, give me patience to wait on you.
Today's reading: Ex. 35, 36; Acts 10
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