Friday, January 26, 2007

Dry Ground - Ex. 14:21

"The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. So the people of Israel walked through the sea on dry ground with walls of water on each side!" Ex. 14:21

After leaving Egypt (a miracle in itself!), this is the first miracle that God performs for the nation of Israel (other than them following a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night, but that's just small stuff, right?!) -- HE SURE DIDN'T SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST! This is right up there with raising the dead! I say this because right after this event, the Israelites start complaining to Moses about their circumstances. I know it is said that this represents how unthankful and short-sighted all us humans can be, but come on!! That argument just doesn't hold water for me. God did ONE miracle for me 14 years ago, and it is still the driving force of my life. Reminding me daily that he has a plan and a purpose for me as an individual and HE will provide; that it will be HIS will , not mine, that ultimately is realized. I know I am passing judgment, and that it was all part of God's plan (who am I to judge?), but just call this human weakness on my part: Israel had NO excuse -- and they still don't today.

God, I am sorry for my judgmental attitude displayed above--it really is human weakness because I need to remove numerous logs from my eye before I would be justified in judging anyone else. But I just feel how your heart must have been hurt, and continues to be today; it makes me angry that we humans can't somehow keep a grasp on the larger picture. God, keep my eyes open to be able to always see your plan--give me the courage to act when you call.

Today's reading: Ex. 14-16; Acts 2


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