Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sowing Seed - Acts 17:32

"When they heard Paul speak of the resurrection of a person who had been dead, some laughed, but others said, 'We want to hear more about this later.'" Acts 17:32

Paul understood his mission--simply present the gospel, some will believe and some won't. The result was not his responsibility, it was God's. His only responsibility was to be obedient and do the presenting. Our job is the same, but too often we shy away from opening our mouthes because we fear we don't know enough, or we will look stupid in front of a particular group of people--GUILTY AS CHARGED! I HAVE to remember that it is not about me. And if I will just be obedient more often, more seed is sown and a greater harvest results. Paul never shied away--no matter how educated or intimidating the group was, he did his job and trusted that God would do his. A great model to follow.

Jesus, I pray that can care less about this world and more about what you have commissioned me to do. Give me Paul's focus, show me how to be "poured out" for you, reduce my worldly desires.

Today's reading: Lev. 13, 14; Acts 17


At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are so right on by saying we second guess ourselves or just do not step up and witness.

This world is so PC now that is what's in, not telling people about CHRIST which might make them unconvertable. What a lie though, my bad, my weakness is that I forget that is GOD's job to open hearts. Paul's speech had mixed reactions but some believed.

We have talked about this before, flying could be a great time to witness BUT what do you do? We put on the "Bose" and tune out GOD!

JESUS I pray that when you put that person next to me that I step up!



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