Sunday, March 25, 2007

Could Not... Would not? - Josh. 15:63

From 3/23/07 reading:

"But the Tribe of Judah could not drive out the Jebusites, who lived in the city of Jerusalem, so the Jebusites live there among the people of Judah to this day." Josh. 15:63

I am going to have to do a little digging about this verse. If God wanted the Jebusites out of the land, they would be gone; therefore, there must have been a reason for God to have them stay. Or... Judah simply WOULD NOT drive them out. Until I find evidence otherwise, this seems more likely to me. Judah simply tired of doing battle and allowed them to stay. Since I am not a bible scholar, I don't know if this is true, but if it is, we will find the influence of the Jebusites spreading like a cancer through the tribe of Judah. There was a reason God instructed the Israelites to clean house.

God, while it is easy for me to criticize Judah for not wanting to go through the effort to cleanse themselves completely of all lingering ungodly influences, I have to admit that I am no better. It is easier, and sometimes even desirable to simply allow them to stay. I pray that you continue to shine your light on whatever you want cleaned out of YOUR possession, and give me the strength and will to get the job done.

Today's reading: Josh. 15-17; 1Cor. 8


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