Friday, March 16, 2007

Wise Up! - 1Cor. 1:21

"Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never find him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save all who believe." 1Cor. 1:21

I am experiencing this in real time right now. I have a client who is a scientist by training, and no matter how hard he tries, so far his "wisdom" has kept him from finding Christ. He feels that if God made his mind, he should be able to use it to find him. A very rational thought, but exactly the OPPOSITE of what God's plan happens to be! We have great e-mail exchanges, and I am saving them all because I am convinced that God has him in my life for a reason. I sent him Lee Strobel's, "The Case For a Creator," and he is analyzing it along side another book that essentially refutes many of the book's arguments! Man's wisdom simply CANNOT find God, only the Holy Spirit can guide him there. I always have to remind myself of what the wisest man who ever lived said after an exhaustive search for the meaning of life, "...fear God and obey his commands..." IF there is a God, this really can be our only conclusion, because try as we might to find answers, we will always have Deut. 29:29 to contend with, "There are secret things that belong to the Lord..." We will NEVER have the whole picture--at some point, faith has to enter in.

God, I pray for my client, I pray that you reveal yourself to him--be the miracle he has never seen. Show him how much bigger you are than his rational mind. I know all of heaven is waiting to rejoice, and I myself can't wait!

Today's reading: Deut. 30, 31; Ps. 40; 1Cor. 1


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