Thursday, March 15, 2007

What The World Has To Offer - Gal. 6:3, 14

"If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a nobody." Gal. 6:3

"Because of that cross, my interest in this world died a long time ago, and the world's interest in me is also long dead." Gal. 6:14

Now why would these verses stand out to me? Because I fear that I am really a selfish, self-centered, materialistic and worldly person. I am convicted; I am conflicted. I KNOW I love God with everything that is in me; I KNOW that I am a changed and reborn person; I KNOW that I am saved and will spend eternity with the God of the universe. I also know that there is a part of me that cares WAY more about me than the next person; that is NOT always willing to help; that IS interested in the good things this world has to offer, and DESIRES to enjoy them. How do these two people co-exist? What does God think about this? How do I reconcile having attributes that I know God despises live inside the new creation that he died to create?! I don't know really know how to handle this -- I definitely can relate to Paul's travail in Romans 7.

God, I understand that I am a work in progress, but sometimes I don't see the progress. I pray that you continue to shine your light on those areas of my life where I have stalled out--help me to keep moving forward in spite of my weakness.

Today's reading: Deut. 28, 29; Gal. 6


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