Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Religion Defined - Jas. 1:27

"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us." Jas. 1:27

While it may be possible that God does not place the same importance on widows and orphans today as he did then (not as ostracized a "class" of people in today's world), we should not miss the point he is making. It is a simple one, and VERY valid today: taken in context with the rest of the chapter, he is saying: "Religion" is not passive, it is active -- DO SOMETHING! Impact the world, your community, whoever God puts in your path, help the helpless. If we don't, what good are we, and how are we different from the unsaved world around us? Are we saved? Oops, did I say that?? Bottom line is that God came into the world to cause change -- are we changing the world or is the world changing us?

God, thank you for teaching me what REAL religion is. Man tends to make it something very complicated, but you keep it simple: God's love in action.

Today's reading: Is. 29-31; Jas. 1


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