Monday, October 30, 2006

The Road Is Narrow... - Mk. 6:52

"They still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the multiplied loaves, for their hearts were hard and they did not believe." Mk. 6:52

It's statements like this that make me feel OK about my mediocre faith quotient. Let's examine what these disciples have seen Jesus do up to this point: He has cast out numerous evil spirits, healed countless people, brought a girl back to life, calmed multiple storms, turned water to wine, fed thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fish, oh yeah, and he walked on water! We always say, "If only he would just do miracle like he did back then, I would believe. Just a small burning bush is all I ask (from personal experience)." I doubt it. If the disciples hearts could remain hard after what they saw, we don't stand a chance!

Thanks you God for sending your Holy Spirit to open my heart and mine so I can REALLY see you. Without it, I am lost.

Today's reading: Job 21; Mk. 5, 6


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