Thursday, November 02, 2006

Anything? - Mk. 12:24

"...You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you will have it." Mk. 12:24

Every gospel has Jesus saying this in one way or another, and I have always struggled with it. Does he really mean ANYTHING? Because I know that I (and everyone else I know!) have prayed, in faith, for things we have not received. And I am not talking about frivolous things, I am talking life and death kind of stuff. I know the whole, "in God's will" thing, but these verses say "ANYTHING" -- does it mean that or not? Is it a lack of faith on my part? Am I not "knocking" often or hard enough? Am I harboring unforgiveness? I would really like an answer to this one, but fear I may have to wait to ask the Man himself -- it is frustrating though.

Jesus, you know I trust you -- I just don't understand this. Why should there be a difference in what I see the disciples doing in Acts, and what I am doing today?

Today's reading: Job 23, 24; Mk. 11, 12


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