Thursday, January 11, 2007

God's Ways... - Gen. 28:13, 15

"... The ground you are lying in belongs to you. I will give it to you and your descendants. Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust on the earth!... What's more, I will be with you and protect you wherever you go." Gen. 28:13, 15

This is one of those instances where it is apparent that God's ways are different from ours. In this verse he is blessing Jacob... right after he has stolen Esau's blessing from Isaac! How can God reward him after this?! Where is the justice? Jacob also swindled Esau out of his birthright -- he was shrewd, but he was dishonest. In my small way of thinking, God is blessing a dishonest, devious and uncaring individual, and not holding him accountable for his actions. I understand that it was all part of God's plan from the beginning for Jacob to rule over Esau, and I also realize that I am in no position to be pointing fingers asking for God's justice (I would be fried on the spot!)--it just doesn't seem fair in man's eyes. I guess God's plan will be God's plan in spite of man's weakness and sin -- THANK GOD!

God, I thank you that you chose me even while knowing how weak and sinful I would be. Evidently I am part of the plan in spite of it all! Help me to recognize this on a daily basis as I want to beat myself up over my failures.

Today's reading: Gen. 27, 28; Ps. 4; Lk. 11


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