Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Giants - Gen. 6:4

"In those days, and even afterward, giants lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with human women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old." Gen. 6:4

This, of course, refers to the Nephilim. Purportedly fallen angels who procreated with human women--their offspring growing to enormous size (King Og of Bashan left behind a bed that was 18.5' long!). One can't help but be fascinated by this, and I am no exception! Legend has it that these beings consumed enormous amounts of food, and after consuming all of the humans' resources, started consuming humans! Could it be that the Nephilim were one of the reasons that God wanted to wipe out the earth with a flood? Was Noah declared "blameless" because he had a "Nephilim-free" line? We will never know, but it is in an interesting topic!

God, whatever this was all about, I know I can trust you that you are in control, even in circumstances like these which are impossible for us humans to grasp.

Today's reading: Gen. 6-8; Lk. 3


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