Sunday, December 24, 2006

The King - Jn. 19:8, 15

"When Pilate heard this, he was more frightened than ever." Jn. 19:8

"We have no king but Caesar." Jn. 19:15

The whole scene in ch. 19 is almost surreal to me. Here are the Jews, God's chosen people, shouting that they have no king but Caesar, plotting to have an innocent man killed (who just happens to be the very Messiah they have been waiting for). We have Pilate, literally able to wield the power and law of Rome in the region, who is frightened--and I don't believe his fear was entirely of the crowd. I believe that something in his spirit was telling him that something very big was going on here that he just did not understand--something MUCH BIGGER than him. Later on, he refuses to change what he wrote on the sign above Jesus that said, "The King of the Jews." Interesting, was something revealed to him without him knowing? On top of all this, you have everything in the chapter being the fulfillment of prophecy, with the most learned Jews unable to recognize it! As the Roman officer in Matthew recognized, "Truly, this was the Son of God."

Jesus, I pray that you always keep my eyes open to what you are doing, please bless me with discernment.

Today's reading: Jn. 19-21


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