Saturday, January 13, 2007

Time's Up - Lk. 13:8, 9

"The gardner answered, 'Give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I'll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer. If we get figs next year, fine. If not, you can cut it down.'"
Lk. 13:8, 9

Chapter 13 should be a wake-up call for anyone putting a decision for Christ on the back-burner. Here's my take-away: God "planted" us on this earth to "produce fruit (definition for "productive" for this note is: accept Christ and be productive for the Kingdom)"; he is disappointed when we don't, and wants to wipe out the "unproductive"; Jesus intervenes, asks for one more chance, promising to give us EVERYTHING we need to be productive; time is limited though, and there WILL BE a day of reckoning; the world acts like that day will never come; that day will not be pretty for those still unproductive; they will SEE the Kingdom, recognize their error, THEN be thrown out--ouch!; finally, there are those on the earth who are not highly regarded either inside or outside the church who will be THE MOST honored by God.

Jesus, keep my eyes open to areas I am being called in to be "productive." Keep me from being deceived into believing I am producing for you when I am not.

Today's reading: Gen. 31-33; Lk. 13


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