Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chosen - Is. 49:15, 16

"Yet Jerusalem says, 'The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us... But even if that were possible, I would never forget you. See, I have written my name on my hand." Is. 49:15, 16

By their actions, Israel deserves all that they fear, to be deserted and forgotten by God. Yet God's promises, and his patience for them, remain steadfast. I often wonder why they were so special that he chose them? And with their disobedience so blatant and consistent, why doesn't he rethink this promise? He is God after all, he can do whatever he wants, why put up with all this? I guess this is where my human brain hits its limit. Because if I were God, and I was going to take the time to create something, I would certainly make sure that my creation would not cause me so much anguish. At the same time, for my sake, I am glad that my God NEVER breaks his promises. Just call me Israel.

Jesus, I know that I am no better than the Jews that frustrate me so in the O.T. readings. Even though I can never understand your reasons, thank you for grafting me into your family and therefore your promises. Forgive my "blatant and consistent" sins, thank you for your love and grace.

Today's reading: Is. 46-49; 1Pet. 5


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