Monday, November 12, 2007

Real Power - 1Cor. 1:17

From 11/8/2007 reading:

"For Christ didn't send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News--and not with clever speeches and high sounding ideas, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose its power." 1Cor. 1:17

The message to me in 1Cor. 1-2 is that the power of the cross lies in its simplicity. That man, in all his "wisdom," diminishes that power by adding rules and complexity to try to make themselves FEEL better about what they believe. Man's pride never ceases to amaze me. God reaches down from heaven with the simplest of all messages, and man's response is, "It can't be that simple, let me add to it because I don't want to be seen as simple." Man's wisdom does nothing but get him into trouble--I, like Paul, want to stay plugged into the REAL source of power--a very simple message.

God, I am a simple man, thank you for a simple message.

Today's reading: Job 33; 1Cor. 1-3


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