Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mediator - Job 16:21

"Oh, that someone would mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends." Job 16:21

Job recognizes the void between he and God--that no matter how good of a man he may be, that he can never be good enough for God; that a mediator was required. Job recognizes his need for Jesus before Jesus is even born! Alice and I were talking about what we were supposed to learn by reading Job--it certainly could not be that God had the need to make a point to Satan! I think Job tells us in this verse: Without a mediator, we stand no chance of making it to God--Jesus is that mediator. God used Job to illustrate to mankind how far from Him we really are. That like his friends, we may think we have got it figured out, but we are really deceived if we think that we can get there by our own righteousness. Jesus, our mediator, is the ONLY way.

Thank you God for being willing to sacrifice your only son so I can have eternal relationship with you. Thank you for loving me more than I can understand.

Today's reading: Job 16; Acts 21-23


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