Friday, November 24, 2006

Correction - Mat. 18:18

"If that person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. If the church decides you are right but the other person won't accept it, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector." Mat. 18:18

The Bible is such a practical book. While some of what it perscribes may seem radical to us in Western civilization, it actually addresses problems quite well. God's ideal would be that, as Christians, we would display nothing but love and unity to the rest of the world. THAT was the plan, that when the world looks at us it sees Jesus. But then God was also a realist. He knew that we would not always get along, so he gave us instruction on how to handle our disagreements. It's all there, but I think all too often we choose to ignore it because it seems harsh, and we don't want to hurt feelings. This, I believe, we do to the churches' detriment. We end up with church splits, factions and other discord, and wonder why. God ALWAYS knows better! Like kids, we need to listen more often--and be willing to do what he says just because we trust him.

God, help me to trust you in those areas that appear difficult.

Today's reading: Mat. 17-19


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