Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sifting - Mat. 10:34

"Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! No, I came to bring a sword." Mat. 10:34

Mat. 10:32-42 gives an interesting perspective from which to look at our life and purpose on this earth. To put it bluntly, our lifetimes are one big qualifying event for entry into the Kingdom, and some of the "races" are going to be brutally difficult! This set of verses says that God is "sifting" the earth with a "sword," some will make it and some will not. For those of us who have already "qualified," our job is to go back and help those that are struggling. God wants as many as possible to finish this race successfully. That we cannot be passive bystanders is made clear by the fact that later in the verse, family members are at risk--BY DESIGN! I don't know how I feel about that design, but as we have said SO many times before, it's not about me.

God, give me the vision to always see those people you want me to help; then the courage to actually do something!

Today's reading: Mat. 8-10


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