Sunday, November 19, 2006

Proof - Mat. 3:4-5

"Where did the prophets say the Messiah would be born?" he asked them. "In Bethlehem," they said, "for this is what the prophet wrote..." Mat. 3:4-5

It is amazing to me that the Jews refused to accept Jesus as Messiah. Matthew spends the first three chapters hammering home the point that Jesus WAS the fulfillment of prophecy. Even Herod believed! He used prophecy to lead his soldiers to Bethlehem, and started killing children based on this prophecy! The Jews knew what the prophets said better than anyone, let alone the Pharisees -- they had NO EXCUSE to not recognize Jesus as being the fulfillment of those prophecies: Virgin birth (how often does this happen?!); Birth in Bethlehem; Herod's response; Being from Nazareth; John the Baptist. I guess the only rationale for the Jews' unbelief is that that was fulfillment of prophecy as well!

Jesus, I pray for the salvation of Israel and of all the Jews, your chosen people. How their unbelief must break your heart.

Today's reading: Mat. 1-4


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