Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Last Chance - 1Thess. 4:16

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God." 1Thess. 4:16

What an amazing picture the bible paints of our Lord coming back for his church! This will happen at a time ONLY known by God; it will happen suddenly, in the "blink of an eye;" all the nations will see this event, and there will be great mourning because there will be a realization that it is too late. Lately, God has been emphasizing how great and incomprehensible he is to me. I get so used to looking at things with human eyes, that I fail to REALLY comprehend how overwhelming and awesome he is. To the world, everything will seem very normal and rational until it, all of a sudden, is not. THEN EVERYTHING CHANGES! All the planning, logic and worldviews go out the window, and those who remain on this planet get seven more years to make up their minds about what this all REALLY means. Then, it really will be too late!

Jesus, I don't know why you chose me, I know it CAN'T be because I deserve it! All I can do is thank you.

Today's reading: 1Thess. 4, 5; 2Thess. 1-3


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