Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saved By Faith - Job 29:14; Gal. 16

"All I do is just and honest. Righteousness covered me like a robe, and I wore justice like a turban." Job 29:14

" one will ever be saved by obeying the law." Gal. 2:16

Even though Job was not aware of it, he was showing us that our works will never get us to God. That in this world, the evil and the honorable are rewarded, and it does not seem that God is paying attention. That it is simply not fair! But we know the end of the story -- we know that Job is restored; we know that our God is just. Job, however, was never given the satisfaction of knowing the purpose of his ordeal. The difference is that Paul had an answer straight from God, and therefore a hope -- We are saved ONLY through faith in Jesus Christ. Everything else is noise and distraction.

Lord, help me to NEVER get caught up in works, or my circumstances to the point where I begin to believe that they have any real meaning to you. Keep my faith simple.

Today's reading: Job 28, 29; Gal. 1, 2


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