Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hear and Believe - Jn. 15:22

"They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin." Jn. 15:22

I have always struggled with this verse. It seems to say that one would have to have heard the truth to be able to reject it. So what about those who have never heard? From a human perspective, it does seem to make salvation conditional on the ability of man to get the word out. Here's where I am now: Something as precious as salvation could never be left entirely up to man's effort. I know my God is loving and just, and I also know that he has known EVERYONE who he calls his child from before they were born. In 17:6, Jesus says to the Father, "...Actually they were always yours, and you gave them to me." NO child of God is at risk--he knew us and chose us before time began. This also dips into the "predestination" issue, but that is for another day!

God, thank you for choosing me!

Today's reading: Jn. 15-18


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