Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In Whom I Trust - Ps. 28:7

"The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with joy." Ps. 28:7

I am going on my 9th day away from home and family--it's been a long haul for me. I hate being away, I miss them terribly. I feel like an incomplete person without them, and the world around me doesn't seem right. Little insecurities and fears tart to rise up and rob me of peace and sleep--things that wouldn't normally be a concern, but Satan knows how to push the right buttons. Then I read Psalms like 28 above, and all is right again. God is SO good! He knows just what I need to hear -- he IS my strength, and I DO trust him with all my heart; I trust him with my circumstances; I trust him with my family and I trust him with my life -- I have no fear...

Thank you God for your perfect word of encouragement. I love it that you care for me; I love it that I can trust you for ALL things!

Today's reading: Num. 19, 20; Ps. 28; Mk. 5


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