Saturday, July 28, 2007

Undeniable - Is. 53:7-9

"He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. And as a sheep silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people realized that he was dying for their sins--that he was suffering their punishment? He had done no wrong, and he never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man's grave." Is. 53:7-9

Is their any doubt as to the identity of this person? Ask even an atheist and he will tell you that this is a description of Jesus--it is undeniable. Yet this was written some 400 yrs before Jesus was ever born! While their may be some prophesies that are vague and open to interpretation, this is not one of them. God is showing us that he indeed has a plan, set in motion from the beginning of time. It is undeniable, and those who choose to deny seal their fate.

God, thank you for speaking clearly. Even though this feeble mind still does not really understand, I do understand that you are God, and your ways are much different from mine.

Today's reading: Is. 53-56; 2Pet. 2


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