Saturday, February 23, 2008

Experience - Ps. 90:16

"Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work." Ps. 90:16

My prayer for my kids is that they have an EXPERIENCE with God. It's great for them to hear our stories of how God has worked in our lives, be in church and participate in their youth groups. But until they have first-hand experience of God working in their lives, they are only stories and words. As they get older, they are indeed seeing God intervene in their lives, and every event makes God that much more real and tangible to them. My prayer is that their lives are a log book full of their experiences with God -- a bipartisan journey, if you will, in relationship development.

God, I pray that my kids experiences with you are indelible and undeniable.

Today's reading: Num. 12, 13; Ps. 90; Mk. 2


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