Saturday, January 12, 2008

Maintain Focus! - Lk. 12:30-31

"These things dominate the thoughts of most people, but your Father already knows your needs. He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." Lk. 12:31-31

So what are "these things" that he is talking about? We are told earlier in the chapter that they are primarily earthly worries... about what we will say in front of authorities, about the accumulation of wealth, even about having basic food and clothing. The message here is that this is the primary focus of MOST people; what we are being called to do is ABANDON earthly fears, turn our FOCUS to expanding the Kingdom of God, and TRUST that GOD will meet all our daily needs. In fact, the last sentence was a conditional statement, and that "IF" is looking like the biggest two letter word I have ever seen! This is the challenge then isn't it? To turn our focus from what we can see, and concentrate on what we cannot as the primary focus of our lives. Wow, I am a long way from meeting this challenge. I "see" way too much of what the world is offering/demanding, and my focus becomes blurred.

Lord, I KNOW that this is a challenge that is set before me, it is not new no matter how much I want to believe that it is. It is simply my failure to meet the challenge that looms large for me. Please help me to see/focus clearly every day--I know you have won the war, I just want to be successful in my daily battles.

Today's reading: Gen. 29, 30; Lk. 12


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