Saturday, February 17, 2007

Still Small Voice - Acts 24:24

"A few days later Felix, came with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus." Acts 24:24

I can't help but think that the Holy Spirit was talking to Felix. He knew of The Way, his wife was Jewish, and he kept Paul under house arrest for two years (and if he was not succeeded, it probably would have been longer). It says that Felix was frightened by what Paul told him about righteousness, self-control and judgement. Where would the fear come from if not conviction by the Holy Spirit? I imagine he met with Paul numerous time during those two years, but in the end, never converted. It was as if he knew deep down that what Paul was saying was true, but just could not get himself to accept; so he just kept Paul around so he could ask more questions and continue to explore the topic. For how many is this a similar story. They know the truth when they hear it, but just cannot get themselves to accept the change that would be required (only SEEMS difficult when you are on the outside looking in!). There are many PERCEIVED difficulties: what would their family think (we don't know Drusilla's position on all this)? What would friends say? Co-workers? It's just SO radical! For everyone the burden is different, but we are all called to pick-up our cross daily and follow him. Funny how, in retrospect, now I see how hard living in the world WITHOUT God is, and how with Christ it is so much easier (see yesterday's post). "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Holy Spirit, thank you for your still small voice--help it to grow ever louder in my life.

Today's reading: Num. 1-2; Acts 24


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