Friday, February 16, 2007

Perfect Love - Lev. 26:3-6

"If you keep my laws and commands... I will give you peace in the land, and you will be able to sleep without fear." Lev. 26:3-6

With God, we live and go through life without fear. "Perfect love casts out fear." The gift of Jesus Christ WAS perfect love, and with it I have no fear. "If he is with me, who can be against me?"! God Almighty is walking with me everyday, guiding me, directing me, protecting me, counseling me and PROMISING me that he will never lead me astray as long as I follow him. What would I fear? "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and self-discipline." Even though their are aspects of the Old Testament that, to us, seem harsh, this was a love letter written to his people -- HIS children. Asking them to return to him, and promising that he would always protect them and be their God. The offer still stands...

This verse in Leviticus reminds me of one of my favorite Proverbs: "You can lie down without fear and enjoy pleasant dreams. You need not be afraid of disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security." Prov. 3:24-26 In a world full of uncertainty, God's promises are my security.

God, thank you for never leaving me alone; thank you for your protection; thank you that I can trust you; thank you for the incredible peace I live in, that only your Holy Spirit can provide.

Today's reading: Lev. 26-27; Acts 23


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