Saturday, March 31, 2007

Steady As She Goes? - 1Cor. 15:58

"So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." 1Cor. 15:58

Definitely one of those, "easier said than done" passages. I'm pretty good at knowing that nothing I do for the Lord is ever useless -- my gift of faith nails that one. It's the "always enthusiastic" part that is my difficulty. "Always" is a big word. It speaks to the condition of my heart, and ultimately to the motives behind the works I do. First of all, am I REALLY focused on the Lord's work to begin with? Sometimes I wonder -- my self-centeredness and materialism often get the best of me. "Strong and steady" indicates consistency; hmmmm... I think I get about a "B" in this category, not too bad. So it seem to boil down to mu enthusiasm where I get tripped up -- it's a biggie though, if left unchecked it leads to hypocrisy.

God, help my motives to always be pure, be the center of my life, my focus. Keep me from ever being like a Pharisee, where it is all show and no heart.

Today's reading: Judg. 8; Ps. 42; 1Cor. 15


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