Monday, April 02, 2007

Straight From The Heart - Judg. 16:28

"Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me one more time so that I may pay back the Philistines for the loss of my eyes." Judg. 16:28

Sounds like revenge to me! Hardly turning the other cheek, yet God honored Samson's request. I have been having a hard time reconciling God blessing people when they act with (in my eyes) selfish, or even evil, intentions. There is no doubt that God was with Samson, but why? Just so he could wreak havoc in the Philistine camp? Do the ends justify the means? It just seems so contrary to everything Jesus taught. I thought of King David, with all his failures, sins and poor judgement, and God clearly honored and blessed him -- then I remembered... David ALWAYS repented. God loved and blessed him not because he was perfect in his actions or decisions, because he was "a man after my own heart." Not to excuse our actions, because in every case there were clearly consequences for sin, but this is what I feel God is teaching me: IT IS OUR HEARTS THAT HE IS AFTER. He realizes that we will make many mistakes along the way (and he will even work those things for good), and we will learn some painful lessons, but he wants to rule in our hearts!

God, thank you for faithfully teaching me through your word. Thank you for always answering the honest queries of my heart no matter how lame they may be!

Today's reading: Judg. 13-16; 2Cor. 2


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