Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Where Is God? - Hab 1:6

From yesterday's reading:

"I am raising up the Babylonians to be a new power on the world scene. They are a cruel and violent nation who will march across the world and conquer it. They are notorious for their cruelty." Hab. 1:6, 7

When bad things happen we often hear people say, "Where was God?" What would they think if they found out that God was actually the very CAUSE of their anguish? This I am sure is what the Jews of the O.T. had to face over and over again. As they went through absolutely horrific trials, they had to, at times, believe that God had abandoned them; only to then hear the prophets tell them that not only were THEY the ones at fault, but that GOD was the one who had brought the trials that they were enduring! This is tough to swallow! We want to believe that God is good--that means that bad things come from the devil, and good things come from God. We now know that this is simply not true. God IS good, but like a parent does not withhold punishment when he thinks it is necessary for correction. And while in our human eyes we just cannot believe that a loving God would be the author of some of these events, he has only one ultimate goal in mind: To cause his people to stop sinning and to come back into relationship with him. Here is a scary thought: How are the Babylonians any different from Hitler and the Third Reich? Only God knows.

God, while I do not always understand your ways, I do trust you as a loving, sovereign and just God. You are the one who sees the WHOLE picture, while I see only a fragment. Thank you for being my God, for dying for me and creating an eternal home where I will forever have perfect relationship with you. Keep me humble Lord, focused on only what you want me to see.

Today's reading: Hab. 1-3; Jn. 8


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Terry said...

It is clear that God does at times use invading armies, natural disasters etc. to cause HIS people to realize their need for HIM. He clearly used Nebuchadnezzar for HIS purposed.

The problem is looking from our limited prospective it is hard to know when GOD is bring judgment or something is happening just because of the fallen nature of man and the fallen state of the earth.

In Luke 13:4 Jesus says:

Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

How do we tell the difference? I am not sure. Was 9-11 a judgment from GOD on our nation? Clearly GOD allowed it to happen and will use it for HIS Glory. Beyond that I do not know if we can tell. HE has at times in the past use evil people to achieve HIS purposes.


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