Thursday, September 27, 2007

First Love - Lk. 10:41

"'My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it--and I will not take it from her.'" Lk. 10:41

How often am I like Martha? Allowing myself to be distracted by all the details of living life, and letting those details take priority over my first love? Jesus is always calling us to spend time with him, and to let HIM be the focus. I believe it is one of Satan's primary weapons to lure me into a room called the world, and attempt to shut the door and not allow me to hear my Lord's voice. If I am not careful, soon I will start to believe that what is in the room is all that matters, and forget that my primary mission is to get people out of that room! Mary had her priorities straight, I need to reorder mine on a daily basis.

Lord, as much as I might slip into that room, I pray that you will always keep that door open so I can always see you and hear your voice.

Today's reading: Ezra 4; Ps. 113, 127; Lk. 9


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