Saturday, September 08, 2007

Pride... Before The Fall - Ez. 29, 31

From 9/6/2007 reading:

"Because you said, 'The Nile River is mine; I made it,' I am now the enemy of you and your river." Ez. 29:9-10

"Because it became proud and arrogant, and because it set itself so high above the others, reaching to the clouds, I handed it over to the mighty nation that destroyed it as its wickedness deserves. I myself discarded it." Ez. 31:10-11

One word kept coming to me all through today's reading, "PRIDE," and how much God hates it. It was the source of Satan's fall from the beginning, and it has continued to plague humankind ever since. Much of man's weakness can be traced back to this insidious disease. It would do us well to keep ourselves under constant self-examination for evidence of its existence--it seems to be a master of disguise.

Lord, I repent for being a prideful man--please forgive me. Replace my pride with humbleness and remind me daily to purge pride from my being.

Today's reading: Ez. 29-32; Rev. 11


At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello M,
I thank GOD that he has not allowed me to fall into the "Pride" hole as I know most do. Being humble is my only defense and I try and practice at all times. GOD IS LOVE !!


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