Never Forget - Deut. 6:20; 8:11
"In the future, your children will ask you, 'What is the meaning of these stipulations, laws and regulations that the Lord our God has given us?'" Deut. 6:20
"But that is the time to be careful. Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey his commandments, regulations and laws." Deut. 8:11
During the last couple of days of reading. I feel like God has been reminding of what he has done in my life and asking me a very simple question, "Do you remember WHY I brought you to North Carolina?" In the not too distant past, I have started to feel badly that the only major testimony in my life is that God brought us from CA to NC. Like, shouldn't there be more? Something new? How long can I "rest on my laurels" because of that singular event? God is showing me that there is nothing to be ashamed about, and that the key is to simply not forget. In the bible, God is CONSTANTLY reminding the Jews of a singular event in time when he brought them out of Egypt. Like them, my focus needs to be that it was HE that miraculously brought me here, and that there was a reason. Have I just settled into the land and forgotten God's original purpose? Prophesy has told us why we are here. We are here to take this land/region for God, and I feel like this is happening despite my lame efforts. What role am I supposed to be playing in this? Why should I feel bad that there is but a single dominating event that God has put into my life? HE put it there, and he put it there for a reason. Do my children REALLY understand? Am I reminding them enough that our family is here on a divine appointment? I seem very quick to judge the Israelites, but am I not just as guilty of a "God, what have you done for me lately" attitude?
Lord, keep me focused on the task at hand, keep me from distraction, from looking to the left or the right.
Thank you for this reminder. Looking back over our lives, we have had the Lord move in mighty ways. I'm not sure we tell our children enough those miracles that He has done in our lives.
Lord, may I not be remiss in telling my children over and over again the wonderful works you have done!
Thanks again!
Sheila Smith
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