His Possession - Neh. 13:18b
"...Now you are bringing more even more wrath upon the people of Israel by permitting the Sabbath to be desecrated in this way!" Neh. 13:18b
All the rules that God laid down for the Jews always seemed a bit much for me. It has taken me a long time to understand that it was, at least in part, an effort to separate them from the rest of the world as something special and holy to God. For them to not just become like everyone else. To maintain their alien status while still having to live in the world. They were SUPPOSED to look different! We don't really have those rules to force the issue, but we are still supposed to look different. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart for God--are we recognized as that? I think that there is no doubt that the Jews were recognized as being VERY different as they attempted to follow God's Law--even imperfectly. I try too hard to not look different. I risk compromising what God has set apart to be holy. If Solomon in all his wisdom could be compromised, what makes me more special? Instead of trying to fit in, my mindset needs to be that it is awesome to be God's possession! Of course I should look different to the rest of the world, because I am!
God, please strengthen me. Eliminate any fear or insecurity, and help me to do EXACTLY what you want me to do, even if it may look weird to the rest of the world. Thank you for setting me apart to be you possession, help me to be proud to act the part.
Today's reading: Neh. 13; Mal. 1, 2; Acts 4
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