Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fatal Attraction - Ps. 9:20

"Make them tremble in fear, O Lord. Let them know that they are merely human." Ps. 9:20

This seems to be one of man's biggest problems, thinking more of themselves than they should... oh yeah, that's called pride! It just gets us in all kinds of trouble! The operative word in this verse is, "merely." And when compared with God, THAT may even be an overstatement! This was definitely Saul's problem (from yesterday's reading in 1Sam.) when he disobeyed God during his battle with the Amalekites by doing what "seemed" right to him. Then, so blinded by his pride, he goes on to build a monument to himself! Same logic Eve used to justify biting the apple. As Samuel later tells Saul,"Obedience is far better than sacrifice." Man simply does not fear God enough--or at all. Somehow we have convinced ourselves that if we cannot understand something with our finite brains, we do not have to believe... EVERY knee will bow, EVERY tongue confess...

God, keep me from tripping over myself. I pray that you will always give me the strength to be obedient; and when (not if) I fail, bring me quick to repentance. You are an awesome God!

Today's reading: 1Sam. 17; Ps. 9; Mt. 2


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