Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pride Redux - 2Cor. 12:7

"But to keep me from getting puffed up, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from getting proud." 2Cor. 12:7

I am convinced that God does this to all Christians. So problematic is pride in the life of a human, God won't allow his children to think too highly of themselves. If they are honest with themselves, they will easily identify THEIR thorn(s). I often think, "if I can just overcome _________, things will be REALLY good." But that thing/thorn keeps coming back to torment me. This is an influence of Satan that GOD is allowing for my own good. The key is not to hyper focus on this weakness and allow it to drive you AWAY from God; it should be causing you to cling ever more tightly to our Lord and Savior. To understand that it is in our weakness that we are really strong!

Lord, while I understand that you are allowing this thorn to persist, help me to not let my guard down on this sin. Just because it is persistent and recurring, compel me to always repent.

Today's reading: 1Sam 13; 1Chron. 2, 3; 2Cor. 12


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