Know Your Place - 1Sam. 26:9-11
"Don't kill him. For who can remain innocent after attacking the Lord's anointed one? Surely the Lord will strike down Saul someday... But the Lord forbid that I should kill the one he has anointed." 1Sam. 26:9-11
Saul drove David from his home, falsely accused him, and was actively pursuing him to have him killed. Anyone would agree that David would be justified in killing him if he had the chance -- anyone but David. David's perspective was that no matter what Saul did, God anointed him king, and you don't kill God's anointed--end of story. Until GOD removed him from that position, David was not going to raise a hand against him. No matter the circumstance. Unlike us, who fall into the same sin as Eve everyday by rationalizing something that God has made very clear, David had a genuine fear and respect for God. He knew his position, and he was NOT God. If he was unsure of God's intent, he would err to the side of what he knew for SURE--that if God wanted Saul removed, GOD would find a way; if God wanted David to be king HE would put him there; after all, he is God. One could argue that God was attempting to remove Saul by delivering him into David's hands, but how could you be sure? David couldn't, so he wasn't going to speculate or assume anything. David was not going to do ANYTHING that God don't tell him to do, he was a man after God's own heart. David understood his place relative to God, I think too often I forget who is supposed to be calling the shots.
God, I repent of my pride, my stubbornness, my ego, my thoughts that I am anything but a servant to you. Remove MY will and replace it with yours, show me how to do that; NO! Please do it for me, I am unable.
Today's reading: 1Sam. 25, 26; Ps. 63; Mt. 9
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