Thursday, April 19, 2007

Patience Young Grasshopper - 1Sam 22:3

"Would you let my father and mother live under royal protection until I know what the Lord is going to do for me?" 1Sam. 22:3

This is David talking to the king in Mizpeh after fleeing from Saul who is trying to kill him. What stands out to me is that David is not going to take any action, make any plans, until he hears from God. He is simply going to wait. What a great lesson for me/us in the NOW generation. Oh we'll pray, but if we don't have an answer in 10 or 15 minutes, we will go ahead with a plan of our own making that we hope God will somehow bless. I need to get better at simply waiting for GOD'S direction; spend time in prayer, maybe even fast--what a concept! David had the faith to KNOW that if he was patient, God would show him what to do. We often complain that we don't see God at work often enough--maybe we are just not waiting long enough.

God, increase my patience and my discipline to wait for you. Give me peace and confidence that you will always come through, bless me with wisdom to make the right decision in every situation.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 22; Ps. 17, 35; Mat. 6


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