Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pure "Religion" - Jn. 4:23

"But the time is coming and is already here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship him that way." Jn. 4:23

The woman at the well was focused on the legalistic issue the proper place to worship God. What a human thing to do, but don't we all do the same? Isn't this how denominations and even different religions are formed? Church splits? Jesus basically tells her that she and her people really don't know what they are talking about, and that they are missing the whole point. That God isn't looking for someone who is worshiping in the right place, or even with the right form; rather, he is looking for someone who has a true understanding of who God is. Pure religion is a condition of the heart, not a physical location, structure or any man made ceremony or tradition. I know I am guilty of looking past the person and seeing only their denominational label. That was NEVER Jesus' intent--it's all about each individual heart and WHO that person believes Jesus is--end of story.

Jesus, I can have such a tough time separating the physical and spiritual worlds. I can't seem to keep myself from labeling and categorizing people -- YOUR children. Please help me to have a genuine love.

Today's reading: Jn. 2-4


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