Tuesday, January 08, 2008

No Secrets - Lk. 8:17

"For everything that is hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light and be made plain to all." Lk. 8:17

For obvious reasons, this is a very scary verse. I often wonder if it means exactly as it says. Is this for non-believers AND believers? It doesn't seem to indicate, but the context of the verse is around exposing sin so that people might be saved. If that is the case, I can understand how this verse would pertain to non-believers, but what is the point for believers? Isn't our sin erased and forgotten? Aren't we white like snow? Saved by the blood of Christ so completely that God sees Jesus in our place? To replay all of my sin that has already been nailed to the cross and forgiven seems counterintuitive to me. But then maybe I am just afraid for people to see just how sinful of a man I really am.

God, I pray that when you forgave my sin it was truly gone forever, never to be seen again.

Today's reading: Gen. 20-22; Lk. 8


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