Thursday, May 08, 2008

Prepare The Way - 2Sam. 15:25, 26

"'... If the Lord sees fit,' David said, 'he will bring me back to see the Ark and the Tabernacle again. But if he is through with me, then let him do what seems best to him.'" 2Sam. 15;25, 26

From a human perspective, I have never been able to understand David ceding control of Jerusalem to Absalom. I can kind of understand his logic of allowing God to do what God was going to do, but what about his responsibilities as King and to his people? What good is he if he won't protect them from the enemy? David had done battle countless times, what is different this time? Is it possible that this event is a foreshadowing of Christ? Jesus Christ (the King), being obedient to God, sadly leaves the earth in the hands of the enemy. The enemy celebrates believing he has won, only to find that God had planned all these events from long ago. Jesus (the King) returns in ultimate victory. Hmmm... I like it, and I'm sticking with it!

God, thank you for your servant David and his amazing obedience, thank you for Jesus and your master plan. You are an awesome God.

Today's reading: 2Sam. 15, 15; Ps. 32; Mat. 25


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