Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Master Plan - Ps. 139:15-16

"You watched me as I was formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Everyday of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Ps. 139:15-16

What am I that I should be loved like this? Why would the almighty God of the universe choose to form me and plan out my entire existence? Where can I go to hide from my shame? NOWHERE -- all is laid bare before God because he planed it all from the beginning; he knows the beginning, the end and everything in between. And as this reality sinks in, I realize that I have complete rest, utter security. Like a child with a parent, it's all taken care of. All he asks is that I obey, he will take care of the rest.

O God, you are my God, I believe this entirely, help me to understand it and live it. Remove all doubt, fear and worry about this simple thing called life. Help me to truly rest in the knowledge that YOU have the master plan.

Today's reading: 2Sam. 4, 5; Ps. 139; Mat. 16

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gimme Shelter - Ps. 9:9-10

From 4-14-2008 reading:

"The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you."
Ps. 9:9-10

What comfort this Psalm brings! My God is my shelter and refuge when times are tough, I can trust in him and he will NEVER abandon me. In a world that guarantees nothing, my God guarantees everything that matters. It is HIM in whom I will trust, not my abilities, intelligence or planning. He is my refuge; He knows what I need; He will not disappoint. Today's OT reading was 1Sam 17, David and Goliath -- there is no better illustration of God taking care of his people. My job is to trust him and be obedient.

Lord, thank you for this promise.

Today's reading: 1Sam 17; Ps. 9; Mt. 2

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Prayer of Jabez - 1Chr. 4:10

"'Oh, that you would bless me and extend my lands! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!' And God granted him his request." 1Chr. 4:10

It was good to read this. I was telling Bill just the other day that at times I feel guilty for how blessed I am. Not that I want to have trouble or live in tribulation, but doesn't the Bible tell me that if God loves me like a father he will at times have to punish me? That as Christians we WILL suffer? I have not suffered much, and I pray that I don't, but this has always been a difficult issue for me to reconcile. But Jabez's prayer was for God to, "...keep me from all trouble and pain!" And God did!

Thank you God for blessing me, I know that this is your gift, and nothing based on merit.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 14; 1Chron. 4; 2Cor. 13

Not My Will... - 1Cor. 9:17

From 3/24/2008 reading:

"If I were doing this of my own free will, then I would deserve payment. But God has chosen me and given me this sacred trust, and I have no choice." 1Cor. 9:17

Therein lies the difference between Paul and I -- often I think I have a choice. I will go through periods of time where I feel like I am just going to "live life," as if I had no calling. Just live day to day, "like everyone else." I know in the back of my mind that I am just fooling myself, but it is kind of like a sabbatical; a brief period where I don't want to feel responsible to the body of Christ. Then reality hits and I realize that God put me on this earth with a purpose in mind.

Lord, I pray that you refresh your purpose and vision for me on a daily basis--let it be fresh every day.

Today's reading: Josh. 18-20; 1Cor. 9