Sunday, July 29, 2007

Scripture Twisting - 2Pet. 3:16

"Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters around to mean something quite different from what he meant, just as they do other parts of Scripture--and the result is disaster for them." 2Pet. 3:16

This makes me think of out modern day cults, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses specifically. Instead of digging deep into Scripture for what GOD'S intended meaning is, they change the verses and even add whole books to Scripture so that it reflects what THEY want it to say. They knowingly ignore the warnings about adding to, deleting from, or in any way changing the Word of God--and as John indicates, the result is disaster for them.

Jesus, I pray for my friend John. He is so deep into his beliefs that it would take a real miracle for any change to take place. But you are the "God of the last minute." You can make ANYTHING happen, and if I am to have a role in this please make it clear what that is.

Today's reading: Is. 57-59; Ps. 103; 2Pet. 3

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Undeniable - Is. 53:7-9

"He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. And as a sheep silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people realized that he was dying for their sins--that he was suffering their punishment? He had done no wrong, and he never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man's grave." Is. 53:7-9

Is their any doubt as to the identity of this person? Ask even an atheist and he will tell you that this is a description of Jesus--it is undeniable. Yet this was written some 400 yrs before Jesus was ever born! While their may be some prophesies that are vague and open to interpretation, this is not one of them. God is showing us that he indeed has a plan, set in motion from the beginning of time. It is undeniable, and those who choose to deny seal their fate.

God, thank you for speaking clearly. Even though this feeble mind still does not really understand, I do understand that you are God, and your ways are much different from mine.

Today's reading: Is. 53-56; 2Pet. 2

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chosen - Is. 49:15, 16

"Yet Jerusalem says, 'The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us... But even if that were possible, I would never forget you. See, I have written my name on my hand." Is. 49:15, 16

By their actions, Israel deserves all that they fear, to be deserted and forgotten by God. Yet God's promises, and his patience for them, remain steadfast. I often wonder why they were so special that he chose them? And with their disobedience so blatant and consistent, why doesn't he rethink this promise? He is God after all, he can do whatever he wants, why put up with all this? I guess this is where my human brain hits its limit. Because if I were God, and I was going to take the time to create something, I would certainly make sure that my creation would not cause me so much anguish. At the same time, for my sake, I am glad that my God NEVER breaks his promises. Just call me Israel.

Jesus, I know that I am no better than the Jews that frustrate me so in the O.T. readings. Even though I can never understand your reasons, thank you for grafting me into your family and therefore your promises. Forgive my "blatant and consistent" sins, thank you for your love and grace.

Today's reading: Is. 46-49; 1Pet. 5

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

As You Wish - 1Pet. 2:16, 17

From 7/23/07 reading:

"But your freedom is not an excuse to do evil. You are free to live as God's slaves... Fear God. Show respect for the king." 1Pet. 2:16, 17

What a foreign concept. We Americans are not real warm and fuzzy to the idea of Kings and servants, Masters and slaves; and therein lies our greatest problem. We actually believe that we are in control of some aspect of our lives, when in reality we were designed to be God's "slaves." Sounds harsh, but that is the reality of it--he's the master, we're the servant. Not what we like to hear in entrepreneurial, look out for number one, master of the universe America, but the sooner we realize what our true position relative to the Creator Of The Universe is, the sooner we can get on with what we were originally created to do. I am struck by how simple God's message is in the O.T. "I created you to love you and have relationship with you; with miracles, I rescued you out of slavery in Egypt; I set you apart to be my chosen people for all of eternity; all I ask is that you recognize me as your God -- give me my due, don't worship other Gods, or suffer the consequences." Just as a servant says to his Master's request, "As you wish," so should our response be to God's every request. But first we must recognize that we have a Master, and it is not us.

God, in a world that constantly pushes me to seek my own way, I pray that you keep my eyes focused on your way -- don't let me ever get confused about who's the boss. Let me always be ready to say, "As you wish."

Today's reading: 2Ki. 20; Is. 38-39; Ps. 75; 1Pet. 2

Friday, July 20, 2007

Adulterer! - Jas. 4:4

"You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can't be a friend of God." Jas. 4:4

I stand absolutely convicted. This is, without question, my greatest struggle. Honestly, what my heart desires, is to enjoy this world AND be a friend of God. This verse says that this is not possible. Maybe the operative word here is "aim." My aim is to please God first and foremost, and enjoy the world along the way. Sounds like rationalization, and to some extent it has to be, but my attempt is certainly NOT to enjoy this world at the EXCLUSION of God (like the examples given to us of God's condemnation of the O.T. church--is this what is meant in these verses?). Bottom line: I KNOW God wants more of me, and I struggle with my selfishness to give it.

God, please forgive my weakness and selfishness--help me to always move forward, never back.

Today's reading: 2Chr. 29-31; Jas. 4

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Religion Defined - Jas. 1:27

"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us." Jas. 1:27

While it may be possible that God does not place the same importance on widows and orphans today as he did then (not as ostracized a "class" of people in today's world), we should not miss the point he is making. It is a simple one, and VERY valid today: taken in context with the rest of the chapter, he is saying: "Religion" is not passive, it is active -- DO SOMETHING! Impact the world, your community, whoever God puts in your path, help the helpless. If we don't, what good are we, and how are we different from the unsaved world around us? Are we saved? Oops, did I say that?? Bottom line is that God came into the world to cause change -- are we changing the world or is the world changing us?

God, thank you for teaching me what REAL religion is. Man tends to make it something very complicated, but you keep it simple: God's love in action.

Today's reading: Is. 29-31; Jas. 1

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Faith of Our Fathers - Heb. 11:13

"All these faithful ones died without receiving what God had promised them, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God. They agreed that they were no more than foreigners and nomads here on earth." Heb. 11:13

One can't help but feel inadequate when he reads Heb. 11 -- How do I measure up to these great men of faith? But I wonder what these guys thought of themselves at the time? I am willing to bet that, like ourselves, they often felt that they were not living up to God's expectations. They were probably as hard on themselves as we are, always aspiring for more, always feeling that what they are is not good enough. I also take some comfort in knowing that all these men had to grow in their faith: Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David -- they all had their moments of weakness and doubt, but God knew their hearts. My faith is at least strong enough to be confident that God knows mine.

Lord, you are the God of my life. Regardless of my weaknesses, you know that I love you and trust you completely. I am yours, do with me as you please--grow me up in my faith.

Today's reading: Is. 19-21; Heb. 11

Friday, July 13, 2007

But a Vapor - Is. 18:1-2

"Destruction is certain for the land of Ethiopia, which lies at the head of the Nile. Its winged sailboats glide along the river, and ambassadors are sent in fast boats down the Nile." Is. 18:1-2

Today's readings prophesied the destruction of Moab, Damascus and Ethiopia, all of which came true. What struck me is the glory of what they once were being completely extinguished. Evidently, Ethiopia had a VERY royal heritage--beautiful people, wealth, armies--very much one of the leading nations of the time. Compare that with where they are now. I wonder what the people thought of Isaiah's prophesies? They were probably completely discounted because of a feeling of security, maybe even invincibility. It has always been interesting to me that there is no mention of the U.S. in the book of Revelation. Like those kingdoms of old, the U.S. is currently riding high, feelings of dominance, security, maybe even indestructibility pervade--with no need for God. Makes me say, hmmmmmm...

God, forgive our nation for ignoring you and not giving you your due; I repent for our materialism, idolatry and pride.

Today's reading: Is. 15-18; Heb. 10

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Father God - Heb. 8:10, 12

From 7/11/07 reading:

"I will put my law in their minds so they will understand them, and I will write them on their hearts so they will obey them. I will be their God, and they will be my people... And I will forgive their wrongdoings, and I will never again remember their sins." Heb. 8:10, 12

I absolutely love this set of verses! I just feel the love of my Father God coming off the pages, it is like him saying, "you kids never have to worry, I will take care of everything--I've got it handled." No more works, performance or sacrifices necessary--by Christ's singular work, I am adopted into God's family forever! I am one of the royal kids, loved and protected by the God of the universe--what could I ever fear?! This is all God ever wanted to do for his children; how incredibly disappointing it must have been for him to see Israel reject him and turn to idols. That was the anger, this is the love.

Father God, thank you for being such a loving dad. Thank you for adopting me into your family, thank you for giving me EVERYTHING I need to be your representative while I am here on earth. Thank you for reserving a place for all of eternity with you.

Today's reading: Is. 8-10; Heb. 8

Natural Instinct - 2Ki. 16:14, 18

From 7/4/07 reading:

"Then King Ahaz removed the old bronze altar from the front of the Lord's Temple, which had stood between the entrance and the new altar... In deference to the King of Assyria." 2Ki. 16:14, 18

When I read these verses, I immediately thought of what I read a couple of days ago in Jude: "...But these people mock and curse the things they do not understand, like animals, they do whatever their instincts tell them, and they bring about their own destruction." While King Ahaz did not have the Holy Spirit to alter his natural instincts, he did have the Law and the prophets--he was without excuse. King Ahaz is a great example of what happens to God's people when they forget who should be serving who. When we remove God from the picture, our own self-import grows to the point of our destruction. This is the lesson the books of Kings and Chronicles tries to teach us over and over again--our "natural instinct" leads us to death.

Today's reading: 2Ki. 15-16; Hos. 1; Heb. 1

Only Human - Is. 1:5, 18

From 7/1/07 reading:

"Your head is injured , and you heart is sick. you are sick from head to foot--covered with bruises, welts and infected wounds--without any ointments or bandages... I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow." Is. 1:5, 18

Without Christ, this is how God sees us--sick, ugly, infected, effectively on a path to death. Out of his abundant mercy, he offers us life--first to the Jews, now to us. It's incredible his love and desire for us--he just wants his kids back! He wants to pour out his love, we just have to accept it. Unfortunately, our humanness seems to compel us to go it alone, to believe that we can do it without God, to think that we are actually something of importance and value. Without God, we are none of these things. We are nothing more than a walking corpse.

Thank you God that you love me, that you have chosen me from a path of death.

Today's reading: Is. 1-3; Tit. 3