Mercy Me - Ro. 11:25, 26
"Some of the Jews have hard hearts, but this will last only until the complete number of Gentiles comes to Christ. And so all Israel will be saved." Ro. 11:25, 26
This verse solved a lingering issue for me: If God himself blinded certain Jews so they could not recognize Jesus as Messiah, how could he hold them responsible for not accepting him? What about his promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Well here it is! It is only a temporary condition until the "complete number of Gentiles comes to Christ." Thank you God that I am part of that number! In 11:11 Paul states, "Did God's people stumble and fall beyond recovery? Of course not! His purpose was to make his salvation available to the Gentiles, and then the Jews would be jealous and want it for themselves." His covenant still holds, the Jews ARE his chosen people, God IS faithful and just.
Lord, all I can do is thank you for extending, by your incredible mercy, salvation to me, a Gentile. Fill me with your power to live as a worthy representative of you.
Today's reading: Prov. 13-15; Ro. 11